How Can Twitter Help Your Business – Marketing Online
By 5hmg In Online Marketing, Social Media On July 21, 2011
Twitter is the new buzzword. It seems one cannot turn on the news without it being mentioned. Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service which allows its users to communicate with each other through short messages known as “tweets”. Though Twitter is not as popular as Facebook, it continues to grow very rapidly.
Twitter is quite a bit different than a place like Facebook or Myspace, as it is completely focused on the tweets that are sent out. It also features a very devoted fan-base.
Most people on Twitter are there to network, and it can be a very powerful way to share information about your business. Here are a few reasons why you should be using Twitter:
1) Everyone Else is doing it: There are so many businesses using Twitter successfully. Don’t get left behind!
2) Twitter is “Social Media”: Your business needs to be participating in social media, and this is a fantastic way to do it.
3) Twitter Users are Very Devoted: When you send a tweet out to your list, you better believe people are going to see it.
4) You can Communicate with your “Followers” for Free: Whenever you want to get information out to your customers, typically you would need to spend money on sending a mailing through the post office. It doesn’t cost anything to send tweets out, and people receive them instantly!
5) Twitter Allows You to Communicate Individually with your Customers: Twitter allows you to message all of your followers, but also gives you the ability to communicate directly with individual customers. This can give you valuable feedback as well as allows you to build relationships with them.
6) Others Have Already Paved this Road: Chances are many other businesses like yours are already using Twitter successfully. You don’t need to stumble in the dark as you will have proven business models to follow.
There is no doubt about it, Twitter can help your business today!
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